Friday, December 7, 2012

Declaration of Independence from Parents

        When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a child to dissolve the family bond with his or her parents, the ones that have brought them into this world. Parents could be over-manipulated their children, in which the children would be suffocate  It would be a disrespectful act just to assume thing without any supported evidences to demonstrate the causes that impel children to the separation of their parents. after they turned eighteen.
       We hold these truths to be self evident, that everyone is created equal and should be provided with certain alienable rights, which includes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the day we came into this world, we are secured to be treated with respect and granted freedom. Although parents have the rights to speak in their children's lives, it is wrong for them to manipulate and control every aspect of their lives.  If our parents’ actions become excessively intolerable, it should be our right to remonstrate against such power and shut them down, to the benefit of the children. The history of our nefarious parents calls for independence from such overpowering power. To prove our arguments, let our facts be submitted, 

They have told us to challenge ourselves to take Honors and Advanced Placement courses to improve our grades, but constantly nagging us for having too much homework.
They have told us to go ahead and perform tasks if we think we know how to do it, but yell at us for thinking that we're "smart"
They have provoke us to go further when we're in a fight and then blame us for "talking back"
They have wanted us to report our daily activities while they could be careless
They have prohibited us from being in a relationship and spend time with our crushes. 
They have attacked us with tons of housework tasks at once, and expect us to finish all of them within a short time range.
        Compromise is useless. When we try to explain to them to avoid further conflict, they think that we're being rude and disrespectful. We have warned them from time to time that we would leave them soon and declare independence, but they don't seem to take any notice or pay any attention at all.
        Therefore, we, the children of our parents need to seek action. We need to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs. We need to preserve our freedom in order to pursuit our happiness.Our voices must be heard. And for the support of this declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our honors.


  1. I totally agree with you Declaration of Independence lol We have to become free! This was really good and I enjoyed reading it as well. What did you pick this topic?

    1. Two more years lol. And why did I pick this topic? I pick it because I'm Asian. Therefore, my parents are Asian. I hope that explain lol

  2. Hey linh hope your having fun being independent

  3. Was this for a school assignment? Just something you felt burdened to write? Thanks for sharing. I used it in my Jr high US history class as a template for my students to write their own Declaration after the original Declaration of Independance. Thanks for Sharing!

  4. im doing an assigment and this helped lol
