Although Rome and United States are located in different continents, Roman slavery and American slavery are similar in many ways. Slavery plays a large role in domestic and agricultural in Rome as well as the United States. Cotton was the staple crop of the U,S while wheat was the fundamental crop in Rome. Therefore, slaves have to work out in the field for long hours.People who are considered as slaves are treated cruelly and demeaned by the society. When a female slave pregnant, her child would be considered as the slave owner's property and the cycle just keeps on going.
Besides the similarities Roman slavery and American slavery are different in many ways. Most of slaves in ancient Rome are often foreign captives from wars. Some of the native Roman were enslaved because they were in debt. In the United States, slavery was mainly racially based. Most slaves were black and originally came from Africa. They were dehumanized and treated extremely cruel comparing to Roman slaves.
This was a good entry of the differences between the American slavery and Roman slavery. I was reading Elizabeth entry and was shocked to learn that still in China slavery is going on.... I know shocker right? What is your position on slavery?