Friday, December 7, 2012

Declaration of Independence from Parents

        When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a child to dissolve the family bond with his or her parents, the ones that have brought them into this world. Parents could be over-manipulated their children, in which the children would be suffocate  It would be a disrespectful act just to assume thing without any supported evidences to demonstrate the causes that impel children to the separation of their parents. after they turned eighteen.
       We hold these truths to be self evident, that everyone is created equal and should be provided with certain alienable rights, which includes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the day we came into this world, we are secured to be treated with respect and granted freedom. Although parents have the rights to speak in their children's lives, it is wrong for them to manipulate and control every aspect of their lives.  If our parents’ actions become excessively intolerable, it should be our right to remonstrate against such power and shut them down, to the benefit of the children. The history of our nefarious parents calls for independence from such overpowering power. To prove our arguments, let our facts be submitted, 

They have told us to challenge ourselves to take Honors and Advanced Placement courses to improve our grades, but constantly nagging us for having too much homework.
They have told us to go ahead and perform tasks if we think we know how to do it, but yell at us for thinking that we're "smart"
They have provoke us to go further when we're in a fight and then blame us for "talking back"
They have wanted us to report our daily activities while they could be careless
They have prohibited us from being in a relationship and spend time with our crushes. 
They have attacked us with tons of housework tasks at once, and expect us to finish all of them within a short time range.
        Compromise is useless. When we try to explain to them to avoid further conflict, they think that we're being rude and disrespectful. We have warned them from time to time that we would leave them soon and declare independence, but they don't seem to take any notice or pay any attention at all.
        Therefore, we, the children of our parents need to seek action. We need to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs. We need to preserve our freedom in order to pursuit our happiness.Our voices must be heard. And for the support of this declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our honors.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Major League Baseball Brawl (Photo)

1/ Immediate cause: conflict between 2 teams.
 Remote causes: some team members were overheard talking about other team negatively or they were not satisfy with the final score.
2/ As the outcome of the fight, the game would be canceled. The players on the field would get detentions and injuries. The players that are waiting in the dugout would get angry because they could not play the game dues to their teammates' tempers. The fans would be disappointed and caused a pandemonium outside the field or on social network websites.
3/ Casual chain: Conflict -> Action (Fighting) -> Injuries ->  Consequences

       Under many circumstances, conflicts are inevitable. A simple conflict could lead to major conflicts. Conflicts always result in consequences so it is best if we prevented it at the first place. For situation such as the one shown in the picture, the number of security guards should be increased. Players who can not control their tempers and have foolish behaviors should get detention and forbid to play in certain numbers of games. The score is very important in sport so by the threat of deducting their points, none of the players would be willing to risk it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

How to escape from a bad party

Have you ever been bored out of your mind at a party and feel like you just don't belong in it? Did you want to escape from it but you want to avoid of being called "lame"? The following instructions could help you out!

1. Excuse yourself from the crowd
 Tell your friends that you have to use the restroom. Bring your cell phone with you. You should have your own cell phone. If you don't have one, then I'm sorry, you're are really just "lame."

2. Call or text your friends or relatives for help
Explain your situation to them. Ask them to pretend that there has been an emergency. Texting is a better option because nobody could eavesdropping on you. Here is an effective way: Ask somebody to call and yell at you over the phone. Tell your friends that it's your parents who have gone crazy and want you to come home. Trust me, nobody wants to mess with crazy parents. If they are your true friends, they would not want to get you into trouble.

3. Leave quickly
Get out of their as soon as possible, especially if you're a terrible liar, before they realize that it was just an excuse.

1. Show sick body languages
Make a stinky and uncomfortable face. Fold your body up a bit and put your hands in your stomach if you want to fake a stomach ache. Rub your temples in a circular portion to demonstrate that you have a migraine. If all fail, rub the anterior portion of your neck for the sign of wanting to vomit.

2. Excuse yourself from the crowd
Go to the bathroom and wash your hands. Choose a clean toilet stall and face the toilet bowl. Put the spoon or your finger inside your mouth and place it deep down your tongue. Try to throw up by thinking of something gross such as your ex's face, or imagine the toilet bowl in front of you is full of feces. Wipe out the disgusting residue on you mouth, wash your hands and return to the crowd.

3. Leave quickly
Leave quickly before you actually get sick of boredom. Up until then, I'm sure you're not welcomed to be at the party anymore. Nobody wants you to transmit your germs to them or ruin the party by throwing up everywhere.

     If all of the above method fail, just walk out and leave! Be yourself! Don't get scared for being called "lame." You're probably too cool for them anyway! Next time, before you accept any invitation to the party, make sure to ask briefly about what would be at the party, and the people at the party are as cool as you. Good luck!

Roman Slavery vs. American Slavery

      Slavery began thousands of years before the Romans existed and continued until at least 1887. It lasted longer than the Roman Empire. In America, slavery was introduced shortly after the arrival of the colonists. It divided the nation into half and became a major problem that caused the bloody Civil War.
      Although Rome and United States are located in different continents, Roman slavery and American slavery are similar in many ways. Slavery plays a large role in domestic and agricultural in Rome as well as the United States. Cotton was the staple crop of the U,S while wheat was the fundamental crop in Rome. Therefore, slaves have to work out in the field for long hours.People who are considered as slaves are treated cruelly and demeaned by the society. When a female slave pregnant, her child would be considered as the slave owner's property and the cycle just keeps on going.
       Besides the similarities Roman slavery and American slavery are different in many ways. Most of slaves in ancient Rome are often foreign captives from wars. Some of the native Roman were enslaved because they were in debt. In the United States, slavery was mainly racially based. Most slaves were black and originally came from Africa. They were dehumanized and treated extremely cruel comparing to Roman slaves.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


  1. This book is anti woman because of the way Kesey portrays the role of women throughout the novel. One of the major themes in the book is women as castrators. It was demonstrated through characters such as Nurse Ratched, Harding’s wife, Billy Bibbit’s mother and Chief Bromden’s mother. In Kesey’s term, the “good” female characters are the prostitutes like Sandra and Candy who are obedient in every aspect, including sexually and doesn't manipulate them. Even Though this book offers that woman is more superior than man,Kesey uses that woman uses their power in the wrong way.
  2. Ratched is a tool that also known as socket wrench. The function of the tool is to fix the loose stuff back in place properly. Nurse Ratched’s name foreshadows that her main job is to “fix” the insane people back into sane.
  3. America in this era a “matriarchy” because during the 1960s and 1970s is when the "second wave" of feminism that spread across the United States. Women finally fought to take a role in the society and was accepted by the government. Equal Pay Act of 1963, Women Strike for PeaceEugenie Moore Anderson was the first female U.S. ambassador. Eleanor Roosevelt and Marilyn Monroe are known as legacies.
  4.  This book is anti black because there are not many black characters except the aides. The racism is clearly shown through the Nurse Ratched’s process of choosing aides. She believes that “the blacker they are, the more time likely to devote to cleaning and scrubbing, and keeping the ward in order.” Mostly everything in the ward is white so their “black face and hands seem to float against it like a ghost.”
  5. McMurphy is presented as a Christ figure throughout the book. When he had the opportunity to escape the ward, he decided to stay and help the other patients. His scarification at the end of the book is similar to Jesus’ crucifixion. They both sacrificed themselves to better the lives of other people. In the Shock Shop, the table is cross shaped. On the fishing trip, Chief Bromden describes that "McMurphy led the twelve of us toward the ocean," which relates to how Jesus has 12 followers.  Candy is like Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’ most celebrated disciples. In the book, we can imply that McMurphy and Candy had a sexual relationship. Many people believe that Jesus and Mary had a sexual relationship too.
  6. For Kesey, the insane asylum represents the microcosm of America in the early 1960s. Through the mental hospital, Kesey portrays American fear of communism after the Cold War by the resistance of the patients against Nurse Ratched. The use of drugs of the patients in the novel reflects the hippie's believe about drugs. The matriarchal theme illustrates women's liberation. 
  7. We hear so much about McMurphy’s record in resisting the communists in Korea because he was a veteran from Korea. He feels that living in the ward is no different from living in a communist country. People are being manipulated and watched for every action they make. 
  8. The fact that he is categorized as the Chronics and his description about things, such as the fog machine, show us that Chief Bromden is not a reliable narrator. It is significant that he is an Indian because it indicates that his point of view could be biased prior to the impacts that the White have made on the Indian's society. According to Bromden, the Combine is a giant machine that manipulate everything and shape them into its standards. The hospital is the machine-like Combine in which Nurse Ratched is the "head." It tries to make machines out of everything, including humans. He escaped from the hospital to liberate himself at the end of the novel.
  9. According to Freud, the history of man is the history of repression. This book is influence by Freudian thought because the main theme of the novel is "women as castrators." The doctors, and patients, which are all male, are being repressed and manipulated by Nurse Ratched.
  10. The book's concerns about the evils of approved official drugs that these drugs were popular upon the hippies and 1960s dissidents.They thought that the pleasurable feeling that resulted from the usage of these drugs help to expand their consciousness. In the book, Chief Bromden was given drugs to help him to recover but it just caused him to hallucinate. 
  11. 1960s dissidents fought to oppose to Communist rules and formed into a human rights movement.In the novel, the patients were opposing the communism of Nurse Ratched and the hospital.The book became such an influential manifesto for 1960s dissidents and rebels because it demonstrates that they have the same motive and that fighting would lead to liberation.
  12. Other great political satires of the 20th century it calls is McCarthyism. This is so powerful theme for an author to write in this period because most of the events happened involve it. For Kesey, modern America is too hypocrite and would harm others for their own benefits. 
  13. In the book, democracy is hard to form. There was no democracy in the ward, it's more like a communism.
  14. The book glorifies criminals and lunatics and that they are the ones who seek for radical changes. It tells us that the 1960s radicalism could go wrong. Insanity is not always the sane response to the insane world.
  15. Gambling is so significant to McMurphy's character because it shows that he likes to gamble and is not afraid of doing so. In the novel, he gambles his freedom and life to help the patients in the ward. This is so unpopular to the authorities  because  McMurphy was able to persuade other patients to challenged the authorities.
  16. The Big Nurse symbolizes for a member of the Combine system. Chief Bromden sees the hospital as a part of the Combine in which Nurse Ratched is the head of it.
  17. Liberation of the patients is expressed through their laughter when they were on the fishing trip. Chief Bromden's escape from the hospital is also a sign of self liberation.
  18. The fact that Kesey was making a heavy use of LSD and other drugs when writing this book apparents through the way Chief Bromden describes about the fog machine and his analysis about size and power. It was obviously unrealistic and was just a part of his hallucination state. 
  19. Laughter is such a theme for the book because to the patients, it represents the real world outside of the hospital. McMurphy believes that it is potent defense against society’s insanity, For Kesey, laughter represents freedom, expression, and sanity. 
  20. The "loonies" are much healthier than the sane because was able to identify the differences and stand up for their belief. Although insanity is a sane response to a crazy world, it does not have to be the only ultimate sane response. It really depends on what kind of insanity it is. The labeling of other problems, such as crime, is insanity but they're not a sane response to this crazy world. Crime rates probably increased from 1960s because people thought that they are sane by acting insane. 
  21. The arguments that Kesey put forward suggests that the best way to reform society is rebellion. People must take actions if they want to seek for changes.
  22. The author makes use of many rhetorical devices such as metaphor, symbolism , allusion and irony to describe the patients and the condition of the ward. Metaphor and allusion are frequently used throughout the novel.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to cover scratches on furniture?

Reading Images
1. The images doesn't give me enough information to perform the process. It doesn't tell me which color of crayon, what heating setting of the hair dryer and what type of cloth I should use to wipe it.
2. According to the illustration, the steps to cover scratches on the furniture are apply crayon to the scratches, blow dry the it and then wipe it with a cloth. The step labeled number 1 is not actually a part of the process. It is just a scenario that demonstrates the audience that scratches are formed. But it is helpful because without step 1, the illustration would not make sense.
3. Be careful to choose the right color of the crayon to match your furniture and use a clean and dry cloth to rub it but be gentle with it because you might also rub out the color.

Journal Entry
       Did you wake up and discover that your lovely kitten has scratched your furniture? Before you strip it down and spend money to refinish it, or worse, throw it away, I have some tips that might help you out. Find a crayon that matches your furniture perfectly. Imagine the crayon is a makeup product that helps to cover your furnitures imperfection, carefully color it on the scratches. After that, take out your handy-dandy blow dryer, set it in medium setting and operate it for about two to three minutes. And finally, to add the finishing touch, lightly wipe the colored scratches with a clean and dry cloth. Tadaaa! There you go with your pro-scratched looking furniture. How easy and inexpensive it is to do. I'm sure your furniture appreciate it when you give it a little make over at times like this!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


           Have you guys ever wonder why most of the items that you're using, including clothings, electronic devices, and even your toothbrush are made in China , Guatemala, or Vietnam? Well, that's because there are many sweatshops over in these countries.Sweatshops have been a factor in the production of goods around the world for centuries,  numbers of major corporations take advantage of this low-cost sweatshop labor in developing countries, including the United States. The sweatshops workers usually have to work for long hours and get pay very little; that's very unhealthy and unsafe. Child labors laws  may also be violated.                                               
Many consumers enjoy buying products that are produced by the sweatshops. Some of them know the origins and stories behind the products, some don't. Even though they know, they would still purchase it.In the horrible economic that we're  living in now, it's hard to blame the customers .Who would not buy anything that is affordable? It's also hard to identify which company use sweatshop or not, even if it is the brand name clothings. Walt Disney and Nike were accused of using sweatshop.         
        Some people see the similarities between slavery and sweatshop works which led to the first abolitionist movement started in the 19th century.Our government's effort to change sweatshop work condition is by introducing the labour laws that set a minimum age, wage, hours, set minimum work conditions for the workers, especially teenagers. Protesting from workers would not really work because the company could just moved to another country.